Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, March 20, 2022
You Have Arrived at the Gates of the New Life, Heaven Is Eager to Embrace You!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy
Carbonia 20.03.2022 - 12.33 pm
God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh is shortening the time.
Behold all is accomplished, My help is for My Children.
Let the gates of Hell be opened and let all the demons with their infernal god fall in.
Let the New Land open with its sweet scents and beauties for all God's children! ... Charity, love, eternal happiness!
My beloved creatures, listen today to the cry of your Father in Heaven, He urgently calls you to conversion! ... The lights of this world are about to be extinguished, an icy cold will seize the souls without God, ... they will die forever.
Behold, my justice is coming to this sinful humanity, which did not want to repent in order to follow the lie! Your end will be terrible, O men, do you not understand that I, your Creator God, am calling you out of love, to give you true life in the immense joy of love?
I am your Father, O men, I am your Creator!
... why do you not want to accept My call for salvation?
... why do you persist in your pride in turning your backs on me?
You still do not believe! ... You are getting more and more lost in the dark! I can do nothing about those who persist in denying Me: in your free will you have made your choices, now I shall make Mine. Miserum est!
I open the doors to the New Era, let My chosen ones prepare to enter it, enjoy all that is in the wonders of Heaven.
Blow the trumpets! ... Israel! ... My people! ... open your eyes and see, ... be astonished at My beauty, run ... dance and psalmody to your God, the Faithful!
His Grace is upon you, My people, you who have believed and accepted His Law, you have walked according to His Directives, you have given your life for the salvation of your brothers and sisters.
You have arrived at the gates of the New Life, Heaven is eager to embrace you to Himself, ... all His Children will be at His Right Hand.
The Wedding Banquet is ready, the Lamb will make a great feast with all His own. Amen.
Source: ➥